Take The 7 Skills to impress™ Identity Quotient Quiz

M O’Brien

Are you curious about why some people seem to thrive in challenging situations while others struggle?

Do you wonder how your own way of thinking affects your performance and well-being?

If so, we invite you to take the Identity Quotient Quiz. The quiz will reveal whether you have a Low IDQ or a High IDQ.

IDQ is similar to IQ in that it measures ability. But instead of cognitive capacity, IDQ looks at your self-image or Identity, and how this impacts your language, behaviour, popularity and chances of success.

It’s more than just positive thinking – it’s about deep-rooted beliefs that shape our everyday lives, including our ability to handle stress, achieve our goals and inspire others.

Anita Rodriguez

Think of it this way: as a parent, a teacher or a carer, how does your sense of self affect your children’s self-esteem? In the normal course of your daily life, how does your thinking style influence your children to lead happy, healthy, and fulfilled lives?

Or, as a coach or leader, does your style of speech release the skills, abilities and qualities of your people? Or lift your athletes, workers and teams to elite-level performance?

And, as an individual, do you thrive and inspire in this challenging world, or do you find your abilities desert you when you need them most?

That’s why it’s so important to understand your own Identity and how it affects your interactions with the world around you.

Amanda K., High School Math Teacher

By taking the Identity Quotient Quiz, you’ll gain valuable insights into your own way of thinking and how it shapes your experiences.

You’ll discover whether you’re more likely to be A High or Low IDQ and how this affects your ability to;

  • Overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
  • As a parent, teacher or carer, inspire your children to believe in themselves and to thrive in a challenging world.
  • As a leader or coach, build your team’s confidence, belief, resilience and performance.
  • As an individual, to persuade and inspire, and to build trust, confidence and respect.

So don’t wait – take the Identity Quotient Quiz today and discover where you fall on the IDQ scale. It may just lead you to grow the wings you need to soar to new heights!

Mark P, Father of 2